The purchase of a Site License for the Let╒s Discover! series will allow the purchaser to use this Software on an unlimited number of computers at any one single building/school. One copy of the software has been provided. The software purchased for a site license may be installed on individual computers or run on a network and accessed by computers at a single building/school. (NOTE: This Site License does not allow for city-wide, county-wide, district wide, state-wide, or use across the internet of the Software. For information and pricing regarding any one of these options, please call Gallopade International, Inc. (770)-631-4222 or email to
**You can not use the Site License Validator program to upgrade your Let's Discover program unless you have purchased and registered your site license agreement with Gallopade International, Inc. and received a Site License Validation Code.
**If you have purchased a single-user license and are interested in upgrading to a site license version by receiving a Site License Validation Code, then call (800) 536-2438 or e-mail to
The Let╒s Discover Series CD-ROMs site license versions can be run in any of the following ways:
1) Run from CD Tower. (slower performance)
2) Installed into shared storage device on a network.
3) Installed onto local hard drive of stand-alone workstations. (fastest performance)
To install the Software onto the hard disk of a network server, do the following:
Double click on the icon for your server╒s hard disk.
Under the FILE menu, choose "New Folder" - this folder will appear in the hard disk window with the name UNTITLED FOLDER.
Rename this folder to DISCOVER FOLDER.
Double click on the Discover CD icon.
Under the VIEW menu, choose "as List"
Select all the items in the Discover CD window:
Drag and copy all of these items to DISCOVER FOLDER you created on your hard drive.
Open the SiteLicense folder.
Run the SL Validator program.
Once you type in your Site License Validation Code, you will be able to run the Let╒s Discover program across your network concurrently on multiple computers.
(If you receive error messages when multiple users attempt to access the Let╒s Discover program at the same time, then be sure that all the files are locked.
You can check this by single clicking an icon and under the FILE menu, select Get Info. Then be sure the locked option in the bottom left of the info window is selected)
You can now remove the CD from the CD drive and run the DISCOVER program from the DISCOVER FOLDER on your hard drive.
If you wish to install this program onto the local hard drive so that you will not have to insert the CD every time you run the Discover program, do the following:
Double-click the CD icon.
Open the SiteLicense folder.
Run the SL Validator program.
Once you type in your serial number, you will be able to copy the Let╒s Discover files onto your computers╒ hard drives for simultaneous playback.
Double click on the icon for your local hard drive.
Under the FILE menu, choose "New Folder" - this folder will appear in the hard drive window with the name UNTITLED FOLDER.
Rename this folder to DISCOVER FOLDER.
Double click on the Discover CD icon.
Under the VIEW menu, choose "as List"
Select all the items in the Discover CD window:
Drag and copy all of these items to DISCOVER FOLDER you created on your hard drive.
(For the best playback results - it is recommended that your monitor resolution be set to 800 x 600 and the color depth set to 32 bit. 32mb RAM is preferred.)